This is a partial list of appointed positions. Additional officers by appointment are listed in the "Town of West Windsor, Vermont 2010 Annual Reports" (pdf file available on "News" on the Home page).
The Health Officer is appointed by the Commissioner of Health for a three-year term after recommendation by the Selectboard. The Health Officer enforces rules and regulations for the prevention and abatement of public health hazards.
The Town Service Officer is appointed by the Selectboard on or before April 15th of each year. The Service Officer helps individuals who need emergency food, fuel or shelter assistance when state aid is not available.
Tree Warden
Dave Putnam, The Tree Warden is appointed by the Selectboard and authorizes the removal of diseased, dying or dead trees which create a public safety hazard.
Zoning Administrator
Deb Shearer, 802-484-3520,
P.O. Box 6, Brownsville VT 05037
The Zoning Administrator (ZA) is nominated by the Planning Commission and appointed by the Selectboard for a three-year term. The ZA approves or denies applications for zoning permits and enforces the zoning regulations.