Elected Officers

Auditors are elected at Town Meeting for a three-year term and annually review and audit all town accounts, and put together the annual Town Report.       

Justin Burrows (2026), justin.hanes.burrows@gmail.com
Nancy Gaynor (2024), slipperyhillfarm1@gmail.com
Barbara Gerstner (2025), Barbara.D.Gerstner@Dartmouth.edu

Board of Abatement

The Board of Abatement is composed of the Board of Civil Authority, the Listers, and the Town Treasurer.


Board of Civil Authority (BCA)

The BCA is composed of the Justices of the Peace, the Selectboard, and the Town Clerk. The BCA approves changes to the list of registered voters, counts election ballots, and hears property tax assessment appeals.


Campbell Fund Trustees

Campbell Fund Trustees are elected at Town Meeting to a three-year term. The Campbell Fund was set up by David R. Campbell in March of 1888 to aid “the indigent, poor and paupers” of West Windsor.

Jennifer Hastings Tobias (2024)
Betty French (2025)
Patricia Kenyon (2026)


Constable, First and Second

For emergencies, call 911

The First Constable and Second Constable are elected at Town Meeting for a one-year term.

First Constable: Matt Kantola
Second Constable: Mark Morse

Delinquent Tax Collector

The Delinquent Tax Collector is elected at Town Meeting for a one-year term.

Amy Yates, 484-7212

Emergency Management Coordinator

The Emergency Management Coordinator is responsible for the direction of town personnel in emergency situations.

Michael Spackman, highway@westwindsorvt.org


Justices of the Peace (JPs)

JPs are elected for a two-year term during the General Election. JPs are members of the Board of Civil Authority (BCA) and, as such, they serve as election officials and hear tax appeals. JPs are also members of the Board of Abatement and decide whether tax obligations should be forgiven under certain circumstances. JPs may also perform marriages, administer oaths, and serve as magistrates when so commissioned by the Supreme Court. A JP is a notary public ex officio but must file with the county clerk in order to act as a notary public.

Margaret Clough, megcl@yahoo.com
Nancy Gaynor, slipperyhillfarm1@gmail.com
Robin French, rafrench1959@gmail.com
Barbara Truex, bltruex@gmail.com
Christine Rovinski-Wagner, adamandchriswagner@gmail.com
Shannon Harrington, hshannon383@gmail.com


At the 2024 Town Meeting, West Windsor residents voted to authorize the Town to "eliminate the office of Town Lister in accordance with 17 V.S.A. §2651c(b)(1) and replace it with a professionally-qualified assessor who shall have the same powers, discharge the same duties, proceed in the discharge thereof in the same manner, and be subject to the same liabilities as are prescribed for Listers or the board of Listers under the provisions of Title 32."

As planned, our elected Listers stepped down at the end of June 2024, following the completion of the 2024 reappraisal grievance process. The West Windsor Selectboard voted to authorize the New England Municipal Resource Center (NEMRC) to operate as our "professionally-qualified assessor", as outlined in Article 5 of the 2024 Town Meeting warning, and to hire Deb Spackman as a part-time "Lister Clerk" to perform routine office duties on behalf of NEMRC.

The Assessor for West Windsor is responsible for establishing the assessed value of property in West Windsor. All inquiries may still be sent via email to lister@westwindsorvt.org or by calling 802-484-3113.


The Moderator is elected at Town Meeting each year and runs annual and special Town Meetings.
Matthew T. Birmingham, III, 802-228-4444
Birmingham & Moore, P.C.
P.O. Box 247
Ludlow, VT 05149
Town Agent

The Town Agent assists the Selectboard with litigation.
Matthew T. Birmingham, III, 802-228-4444
Birmingham & Moore, P.C.
P.O. Box 247
Ludlow, VT 05149
Town Clerk & Treasurer

The Town Clerk and Town Treasurer are elected every year at Town Meeting. Currently, both positions are held by the same person. The Town Clerk is the custodian of the town’s public records. The Town Clerk also issues dog, marriage, hunting and fishing licenses; runs local elections; and serves as clerk of the Board of Civil Authority. The Town Treasurer keeps the town’s accounts; receives property tax payments; invests money and pays bills (with the approval of the legislative body).
Town Clerk & Treasurer: Amy Yates, Office: 484-7212, Fax: 484-3518, Email: ayates@westwindsorvt.org
Office hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM - Noon and 1:30 PM-4:30 PM
Mailing address:
Town of West Windsor
PO Box 6
Brownsville VT 05037
Town Grand Juror

The Town Grand Juror helps prosecute criminal offenses that occur in town by giving information to state and local law enforcement.
Matthew T. Birmingham, III, 802-228-4444
Birmingham & Moore, P.C.
P.O. Box 247
Ludlow, VT 05149
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