Full Moon Snowshoe and Bonfire with AO and ATA
Saturday, February 4, 2023 at 5:30 PM
to Saturday, February 4, 2023 at 8:30 PM

AO and ATA are jointly hosting a full moon snowshoe on Saturday February 4th from 5:30PM until 8:30PM for the entire community. 

The meeting place and route will be announced shortly but we wanted to get it on your calendar.  There will be a bonfire in Mile Long Field for all to enjoy (even if you are not able to join us on the snowshoe hike).  AO has multiple pairs of youth snowshoes and a few adult sizes.  If you would like to sign them out to use on the February 4th moonlight walk, please come to the lower level of the Ascutney Outdoors Center on Tuesday January 31st or Thursday February 2nd from 4PM-6PM for pick-up.