Town of West Windsor
Selectboard Meeting
Monday, June 10, 2024 @ 6:30pm
Town Hall and Zoom
Please use the link below to join the meeting via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 868 8509 0179
Passcode: 134361
To join by telephone, please dial the number below and follow the prompts:
+1 646 558 8656
1. Call to Order
2. Changes or Additions to Agenda
3. Announcements/Public Comment
4. Approve Minutes of 5/28
5. Town Clerk’s Report
6. Initial Highway Access Permit – 1114 Bible Hill Rd (Parcel #03-144)
7. DLL Permit Request: BB&P Pizza Mountain (6/28)
8. Event Application/DLL Permit Request: Celebration of Life at Ascutney Outdoors (6/30)
9. Event Application/DLL Permit Request: BB&P July 3rd Cookout (7/3)
10. Event Application: IDC Fireworks at Ascutney Outdoors (7/3)
11. Event Application: 4th of July Parade (7/4)
12. Event Application/DLL Permit Request: Flow State at Ascutney Outdoors (7/26-7/28)
13. NEMRC Assessor Contract Proposal
14. Highway Foreman’s Report
15. May Windsor PD Log Review
16. Zoning Bylaw Review
17. Insurance Discussion
18. Late Fee Waiver - Income Sensitivity Property Tax Credit
19. Other Business
20. Upcoming Meeting Schedule
21. Executive Session
1 V.S.A. § 313
(3) the appointment or employment or evaluation of a public officer or employee, provided that the public body shall make a final decision to hire or appoint a public officer or employee in an open meeting and shall explain the reasons for its final decision
during the open meeting;
22. Final Decisions
23. Adjourn