West Windsor Historical Society
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Located at The Grange Hall, 1023 Route 44, Brownsville, VT. The Museum and Historic Records are located on the 2nd floor which is ADA accessible and open on Tuesdays from 10:00 AM until noon. Phone number: 484-7474 and e-mail info@wwhs-vt.org  For more information visit the WWHS Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/WestWindsorHistoricalSociety/) and website (wwhs-vt.org)


For membership information or to arrange a visit please contact:
President: Karen Diop 484-3610   
Membership Secretary: Carol Felone 484-9754     
Historic Records: Mary Jane Wentworth, 484-3336
Museum: Jane Stillson, 674-4161

The Directors meet quarterly (March, June, September, December) the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30 P.M., with committee meetings held as needed.

Mailing Address:
West Windsor Historical Society
P.O. Box 12
Brownsville, VT 05037