West Windsor Short-Term Rental Ordinance
West Windsor Short-Term Rental Ordinance
The West Windsor Selectboard adopted a Short-Term Rental Ordinance on September 23rd, which will go into affect on May 1st, 2025. This ordinance will require the registration of all Short-Term Rentals operating in West Windsor.
For the official notice of the Short-Term Rental Ordinance, please click here.
For the full text of the Short-Term Rental Ordinance, please click here.
West Windsor Annual Hydrant Flushing Thursday, October 10th
West Windsor Annual Hydrant Flushing
Thursday, October 10th
P2 Environmental will be performing their annual hydrant flushing next Thursday, October 10th, beginning around 8:30am and lasting 3-4 hours for all customers of the West Windsor Mountain Water Company. The water will still be usable, but customers may experience dirty water.
P2 advises that all West Windsor Mountain Water Company customers limit the use of faucets with screens or aerators during the above times until they’ve cleared their lines into tubs or mop sinks to flush out any remaining debris from their system.
Please reach out to P2 Environmental at 802-384-3937 with any questions.
Click here for the full notice from the water operator.
Public Hearing for West Windsor Land Use & Development BylawsPublic Hearing for Amendments to the
West Windsor Land Use & Development Regulations
Monday, October 21st
The West Windsor Selectboard will be holding a public hearing on proposed amendments to the West Windsor Land Use & Development Regulations as part of a Special Selectboard Meeting on October 21st at 6:30pm at the West Windsor Town Hall and via Zoom. Click here for more details.
For the full text of the proposed Land Use & Development Regulations, please click here.
Public Hearing for West Windsor Flood Hazard Area and River Corridor BylawsPublic Hearing for West Windsor Flood Hazard Area
and River Corridor Bylaws
Monday, October 21st
The West Windsor Selectboard will be holding a public hearing on proposed West Windsor Flood Hazard Area and River Corridor Bylaws as part of a Special Selectboard Meeting on October 21st at 6:30pm at the West Windsor Town Hall and via Zoom. Click here for more details.
For the full text of the proposed Flood Hazard Area and River Corridor Bylaws, please click here.
Free Flu Shot Clinic in Windsor on November 9th
Free Flu Shot Clinic in Windsor on November 9th
There will be a free flu shot clinic at the Windsor Welcome Center on Saturday, November 9th from 10:00am until 1:00pm. For more information, please click here.
For a list of other free clinics in the area, please visit the Public Health Council of the Upper Valley's Flu Vaccine Clinic webpage.
General Election Ballots To Be Mailed To VotersGeneral Election Ballots To Be Mailed To Voters
The Vermont Secretary of State's office will be mailing General Election ballots to all active voters in the state. They will be exporting voter addresses for the mailing on or around September 2nd. As soon as possible, voters should go to their My Voter Page (https://mvp.vermont.gov) and confirm it lists a valid mailing address to ensure receipt of the General Election ballot.
Ballots cannot be forwarded by the USPS, so voters who intend to be away on November 5th should go to their My Voter Page and update their mailing address to ensure they receive a ballot.
Voters may either submit their ballots by mail or by bringing their mail-in ballot to the polling location on Tuesday, November 5th. For West Windsor residents, the official polling location is Story Memorial Hall. Voters attempting to vote at their polling location without the ballot that was mailed to them will be required to sign an attestation that they have not also submitted a mail-in ballot.
For more information on early and absentee voting, please visit the Vermont Secretary of State's website.
Further questions about this process may be directed to the Town Clerk at 802-484-7212 or via email at ayates@westwindsorvt.org.
Brownsville: Between the Bridges & BeyondBrownsville: Between the Bridges and Beyond
Planning Project Workshop
The Town of West Windsor is participating in a planning level project for the Village. Brownsville: Between the Bridges and Beyond will provide implementation steps for building an enhanced village center and improving the connection between the Village and Mount Ascutney. The goal of this project is to foster a more inviting and user-friendly village center in Brownsville, with a strong and resilient local economy that serves residents and visitors.
This workshop will be a two-part event on Tuesday, July 23rd. The first hour, from 6:00pm to 7:00pm, will be a hybrid presentation of the project thus far, existing conditions, themes of public engagement and a community conversation about Village and project priorities. The second hour, from 7:00pm to 8:00pm, will be an at-your-own-pace open house where participants can vote for which ideas they think should be further developed by the project team.
Drop in for as little or as much time as you have, learn about this project, and provide your opinion on specific ideas the team will develop as a part of this planning project.
Click here for more information on the July 23rd project workshop.
To learn more, please visit the Brownsville: Between the Bridges and Beyond website.
West Windsor Cooling Locations
West Windsor Cooling Locations
With high temperatures forecasted for this week, the West Windsor Town Hall auditorium will be open to the public as a cooling location from Monday, July 15th until Wednesday, July 17th from 9:00am to 5:00pm. The Mary L. Blood Memorial Library will also be available as a cooling location during their open hours.
For more information and available amenities, please click here.