Photo by Cathy Boedtker
Photo by Cathy Boedtker
About West Windsor

West Windsor is a rural Vermont community located amidst rolling hills and meadows just west of the Connecticut River. Mount Ascutney rises more than two thousand feet over the village of Brownsville and provides abundant outdoor recreation opportunities. Boasting miles of spectacular hiking and mountain-biking trails, backcountry skiing, a lift-served community ski area, and tubing hill, the mountain is a destination for outdoor adventure in any season.

Click here for more information about West Windsor and the Village of Brownsville.

2025 West Windsor Town Meeting Warning

2025 West Windsor Town Meeting Warning

West Windsor's Annual Town Meeting will be held at Story Memorial Hall on Tuesday, March 04, 2025 at 9:00am.

Please click here for a digital copy of the 2025 Town Meeting Warning. Physical copies of this warning will be sent to registered voters via U.S. Mail.

Please reach out to Town Clerk Amy Yates at 802-484-7212 or via email at ayates@westwindsorvt.org with any questions. All residents of voting age are encouraged to stop in to the Town Clerk's office to register to vote!

The 2024 Town Report will be posted to this website in the near future, and will be available for viewing at the Town Hall and the Post Office in the coming weeks. Physical copies will also be available for distribution at Town Meeting. For access to Town Reports from recent years, please follow this link



Story Memorial Hall May Be Used As Warming Shelter

Story Memorial Hall May Be Used As Warming Center

With dangerously low temperatures forecasted, the West Windsor Town Hall auditorium will be available as a Warming Center during business hours, on a walk-in basis. The Town Hall offers a heated space, seating, water, restrooms, and access to electricity for charging devices.

For more information, or if additional access is needed beyond those hours, interested parties may contact the Town Administrator at 802-484-3520 or via email at townadmin@westwindsorvt.org

Please note that the Town Hall will not have staff on site trained to handle medical emergencies and there will not be after-hours access without specific prior arrangements.




Affordable Housing Study - Community Input Forum
Affordable Housing Study - Community Input Forum
The Planning Commission invites all West Windsor residents to attend a Community Input Forum on Saturday, February 1st at 10:00am at the Town Hall. The Planning Commission is seeking to understand and address affordable housing in West Windsor with the goal of increasing the housing supply for local workers, seniors and families. “Affordable” means that the cost of housing (rent, or mortgage plus utilities, property taxes and insurance) does not exceed 30% of household income. The Planning Commission wants to develop a roadmap for ensuring that people who work in our community can stay in our community.

Your participation and support are key to our success. At the Forum, we will share data on where we currently stand as a community, project tasks and timeframes, and ideas about potential housing solutions. At this stage we do not know all of the answers about adding affordable homes. We invite your questions, thoughts and ideas. And you can speak directly with our consultants who have extensive experience in home design, civil engineering and project finance.

If you have any questions or thoughts before the Forum, please feel free to contact our Town Administrator, Matt Frederick, at 802-484-3520 or townadmin@westwindsorvt.org.
To read the full Community Input Forum Letter of Invitation, please click here.
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, February 1st!



Mount Ascutney Safety Action Plan
Mount Ascutney Safety Action Plan
Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A)

Last year our Regional Planning Commission, the Mount Ascutney Regional Commission (MARC), was awarded a Federal grant from US DOT to develop a comprehensive safety action plan with a goal and strategies to get to zero deaths on all MARC roadways for all road users. As part of this effort, MARC collected data on serious and fatal injuries on roadways in our region which you can see here: Mount Ascutney Safety Action Plan.


Now MARC wants to hear from you! When and where do you feel unsafe on MARC roadways? 

Please fill out the following Survey: MARC SS4A Input Tool


​Please reach out to Logan Nicoll of MARC with any questions!



Special Town Meeting Results

At the Special Town Meeting on Saturday, November 16, 2024 at 10:00am at Story Memorial Hall, the voters of West Windsor approved the change of West Windsor's budget year from the current calendar year model to a fiscal year of July 1st to June 30th.

This change will go into effect beginning July 1st, 2026. To make the transition to this budget cycle, the budget presented to the voters for consideration at Town Meeting on March 5, 2025 will be for a budget year of January 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026 (18 months). 

To read the minutes of the Special Town Meeting, please click here.

For the full Special Town Meeting warning, please click here.




Vermont Issues Statewide Ban on Debris Burning; No Burning Permits Shall Be Issued
Vermont Issues Statewide Ban on Debris Burning;
No Burning Permits Shall Be Issued 
The State of Vermont has issued a statewide ban on debris burning from October 28th until November 11th due to an elevated risk of wildfires. Until this ban is lifted, the West Windsor Fire Warden and Fire Chief will not be issuing any burn permits, including for fire pits, and strongly encourage all residents to maintain proper fire safety practices at all times.
For more information on the statewide burn ban, please read this press release from the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation.
For more information on fire safety and prevention, visit https://fpr.vermont.gov/prevent-forest-fires.
For the current Fire Danger Forecast, please click here.

West Windsor Short-Term Rental Ordinance
West Windsor Short-Term Rental Ordinance
The West Windsor Selectboard adopted a Short-Term Rental Ordinance on September 23rd, which will go into affect on May 1st, 2025. This ordinance will require the registration of all Short-Term Rentals operating in West Windsor.
For the official notice of the Short-Term Rental Ordinance, please click here.
For the full text of the Short-Term Rental Ordinance, please click here.

General Election Ballots To Be Mailed To Voters

General Election Ballots To Be Mailed To Voters

The Vermont Secretary of State's office will be mailing General Election ballots to all active voters in the state. They will be exporting voter addresses for the mailing on or around September 2nd. As soon as possible, voters should go to their My Voter Page (https://mvp.vermont.gov) and confirm it lists a valid mailing address to ensure receipt of the General Election ballot.

Ballots cannot be forwarded by the USPS, so voters who intend to be away on November 5th should go to their My Voter Page and update their mailing address to ensure they receive a ballot.

Voters may either submit their ballots by mail or by bringing their mail-in ballot to the polling location on Tuesday, November 5th. For West Windsor residents, the official polling location is Story Memorial Hall. Voters attempting to vote at their polling location without the ballot that was mailed to them will be required to sign an attestation that they have not also submitted a mail-in ballot.

For more information on early and absentee voting, please visit the Vermont Secretary of State's website.

Further questions about this process may be directed to the Town Clerk at 802-484-7212 or via email at ayates@westwindsorvt.org.



Town Business Calendar